SSA Ticket to Work
Meyers VCS is a federally approved Employment Network (EN) contracted with SSA to provide return to work services to beneficiaries (individuals receiving social security benefits).
What is Ticket to Work?
Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program is a free and voluntary program available to people ages 18 through 64 who are blind or have a disability and who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
The purpose of the program is to help beneficiaries in obtaining gainful employment.
Will I lose my benefits?
The Social Security Administration and Meyers VCS highly recommend that each beneficiary contact a WIPA (Work Incentive Planning Professional) to confirm how your benefits will be impacted by working.
Please contact a WIPA at 1-866-968-7842. For deaf and hearing impaired individuals, please call the TTY Line at 1-866-833-2967.
What services does Meyers VCS provide?
We advocate for an individualized approach with specific services that are tailored to the individual. We provide job leads, resume assistance, interview preparation, job application assistance, and support.
How are services provided?
We can provide services over the phone, via email or in person, depending upon the location of the beneficiary.
What is the process?
Step One: The beneficiary provides their Social Security Number (SSN) to our organization so we can verify their suitability for the program (i.e. are you eligible for services).
Step Two: Once suitability is confirmed, we will go through the Meyers VCS intake process to find out more about your educational background, employment history, vocational goals, and other important factors regarding returning to work.
Step Three: Complete an Individualized Work Plan (IWP). An IWP is a contract between our organization and the beneficiary that outlines the specific services we will provide and the obligations required of the beneficiary to receive these services. Once the beneficiary signs and returns the IWP to our office, the IWP is sent to SSA for approval.
Step Four: Once SSA approves the IWP, your ticket is assigned to our organization and services can start.
Please click the link below for more information regarding the Social Security Ticket to Work Program: